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Assemblies of God
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100 moments that inspire us to greater things : Assemblies of God.


Springfield, MO : Gospel Publishing House, 2014.


223 p. : ill. ; 16 x 16 cm.


Prepared for the Centennial celebration of the Assemblies of God.

Contents: Lillian Trasher. -- Azusa Street revival. -- Roberto Fierro. -- C.M. Ward. -- John & Cuba Hall. -- Hattie Hammond. -- Florence Steidel. -- Birth of the Assemblies of God Fellowship. -- Cornelia Jones Robertson. -- William W. Simpson. -- E.N. Bell. -- J. Roswell Flower. -- Gladys Hinson. -- David Wilkerson. -- Christ's Ambassadors. -- Mark & Huldah Buntain. -- Charles L. Ramsay. -- Teen Challenge. -- Zollie Smith. -- Missionettes. -- The birth of a movement. -- Edith Mae Pennington. -- Jesse Miranda. -- Robert & Mary Craig. -- Ambassador Missionary flights. -- Stanley Horton. -- Noel Perkin. -- Statement of Fundamental Truths. -- Smith Wigglesworth. -- Teen Talent. -- Marie & Robert Brown. -- Ernest S. Williams. -- Phillip A. Nichols. -- Blanche Brittain. -- Hymnody. -- Juan Lugo. -- Buddy Barrel. -- Dramatic rescues in W.W. II. -- William J. Seymour. -- Matthew Barnett. -- Ralph Riggs. -- Dr. Lilian B. Yeomans. -- Eddie & Ruth Washington. -- Pentecostal Evangel. -- Donald Gee. -- Adolfo Carrion. --

Morris Plotts. -- Teen Bible Quiz. -- Charlie Lee. -- Melvin Hodges. -- Missionary motto. -- John W. Welch. -- George M. Flattery. -- David du Plessis. -- Alice Luce. -- George & Carrie Montgomery. -- Johnnie Barnes. -- Robert E. Harrison. -- L. John Bueno. -- George O. Wood. -- AG Financial solutions. -- The Couriers. -- Anna Ziese. -- Paul & Evelyn Derr. -- Hal Donaldson. -- Gwendoline Jones. -- C. Arvid Ohrnell. -- J. Robert Ashcroft. -- Paul & Virginia Weidman. -- Ira Stanphill. -- Billie Davis. -- William W. Menzies. -- Juan Romero. -- Ambassadors in Mission. -- Thomas Trask. -- Bert Webb. -- Etta Calhoun. -- J. Philip Hogan. -- Pentecostal/Charismatic Churches of North America. -- Speed the Light. -- Ivan Voronaev. -- James Bradford. -- Anna B. Lock. -- Anna Tomaseck. -- A.H. Argue. -- R. Stanley Berg. -- Jose Giron. -- Chi Alpha. -- Charles S. Price. -- Elva Johnson Hoover. -- Thomas F. Zimmerman. -- Sam Cochran. -- Henry C. Ball. -- Demetrio Bazan. -- G. Raymond Carlson. -- J.W. Tucker. -- HealthCare Ministries. -- P.C. Nelson. -- Alice Reynolds Flower. -- Victor Plymire.


Assemblies of God--Centennial.
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Assemblies of God--History.
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