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Personal Papers--McGee, Gary B.
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ca. 13.75 linear feet (11 large archival containers).


GARY BLAIR McGEE (Apr. 22, 1945 - Dec 10, 2008)--Pentecostal scholar, author, Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Church History and Pentecostal studies at the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary. The order and titles of the folders in these files have been kept as Dr. McGee arranged and labeled them. The inventory was created by his daughter, Catherine D. McGee.

67/5/1: BOX 1 (46 folders). 1792; 1816; 1825; 1828; Modern Claims of Gifts of the Spirit / William Goode, 1824; 1850; The apostolic ministry / Francis Wayland, 1853; Union Missionary Convention (New York City), 1854; 1855; 1857; 1858; The Great Awakening of 1858 / Manny Hooper, 1992; 1859; 1860; Conference on missions (Liverpool, 1860); 1861; Indian Revival, 1860-61; The restoration of apostles and prophets in the Catholic Apostolic Church, 1861; Memoir of Robert Story, 1862; 1862; 1864; A brief review of ten years' missionary labour in India between 1852 and 1861 / Joseph Mullens, 1863; 1865; 1869; 1871; 1872; 1873; General missionary conference (Allahabad, 1873--2 folders); Revival in Travancore, 1874-1875; Theodore Christlieb, 1874; 1875; 1876; Records of the general conference of the Protestant Missionaries of China, Shanghai, May 10-24, 1877; 1878; 1879; Missionary conference, South India & Ceylon, 1879-1885 (7 folders) ; Record of the International Conference on Divine Healing and True Holiness, London, 1885; 1886; Evangelisation of the World / B. Broomhall, 1887; Cloud of Witnesses for Divine Healing, 2d ed. / A.B. Simpson, 1887.

67/5/2: BOX 2 (55 folders). 1888; The Evangelistic Baptism Indispensable to the Church for the Conversion of the World, 2d. ed. / James Gall, 1888; Report of the Centenary Conference on the Protestant Mission of the World, London, 3d ed., 1888; 1889; Kansas Soudan Mission, 1890; Shanghai Conference, 1890; 1890; Faith Cures / Aurelius J. L. Gliddon, 1890; Baldwin vs. Guinness and Stock, ca. 1890; 1891-1898 (9 folders); 1900; The Person and Ministry of the Holy Spirit / A.C. Dixon; Questions and Phases of Modern Missions / Frank F. Ellinwood, 1899; Bede + Miracles; The Key to the Missionary Problem / Andrew Murray, 1900; 1901; Anti-Christian Supernaturalism / K. Mackenzie, 1901; Proceedings of the General Conference of Protestant Missionaries in Japan, Tokyo, Oct 24-31, 1900; Missionary Issues of the Twentieth Century / Methodist Episcopal Church, South, 1901; 1902-1903 (2 folders); Apostolic and Indian Missions Compared / Robert Stewart, 1903; Fargo/Moorhead revival, 1904; 1904; The Story of the Welsh Revival / Arthur Goodrich,, 1904-05; Indian Pentecost, 1905-07; 1905 (Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, June-Dec (11 folders); 1906 (Jan-July, Aug) (9 folders).

67/6/1: BOX 3 (66 folders): 1906 (Sep-Dec--4 folders); The Gift of Tongues and Other Essays / Dawson Walker, 1906; Revival among the Lushai India), 1906; Revival in the Khasia Hills / Mrs. John Roberts, 1907; Revival in CMA (Christian & Missionary Alliance), 1907; 1907 (Jan-Feb, Apr-Dec) (12 folders); 1908; 'The Gift of Tongues and Related Phenomena at the Present Day' / Frederick G. Henke in American Journal of Theology 13 (Apr 1909): 193-206; 'The 'Tongue' Movement,' in The Independent 66 (June 10, 1909), p. 1286-9; 1908 (Jan-July, Dec (8 folders); 1909; 1910; Divine Healing / A.L. Byers, 1911; 1911; 'S[igns] & W[onders]' in China / Lin Shao-Yang, 1911; 1912-1913 (2 folders); 1915-1918 (4 folders); 1920-1925 (6 folders); Miracles of Modern Missions / William A. Spicer, 1926; Speaking with Other Tongues / T.J. McCrossan, 1927; 1928; 1935; 1937; 1941; 1949; A Spiritual Awakening in South India / A.J. Appasamy, 1950; Assorted items ('The Holy Spirit and Mission / Robert Duncan Culver); Modern Miracles / H.T. Davis, 1901; The Miracles of Missions, first series, 1891, second series 1895, third series, 1899, fourth series, 1901 / A.T. Pierson (4 folders); Histories--miracles; Potential resources; Demon Possession, Disease, Divine Healing / Morris Chalfant; 'The Lord's Pentecostal Missionary Movement.'

67/6/2: BOX 4 (37 folders). Dilemma over Apostolic Mission; Congo; Alliance Mission, Congo (The First Alliance Mission Field / Mrs. Alexander Macaw, 1937; Life on the Congo / W. Holman Bentley, 1887); The Work and Counterwork: or, the Religious Revival in Belfast, 5th ed. / Edward A. Stoford, 1859; The History and Diaries of an Indian Christian / J.C. Aroolappen, 1939; Kerala; The Year of Grace: A History of the Ulster Revival of 1859 / William Gibson, 1909; Mukti Prayer Bell; The Modern Gift of Tongues / G.H. Lang; Mark 16; Evangelical Awakenings in India / J. Edwin Orr, 1970; The Blue Book of Missions for 1905 / Henry Otis Dwight; Year Book of Missions in India, 1912; The Earlier Years of the Modern Tongues Movement / G.H. Lang; 'Youmayam: A Messianic Movement in Kerela, India / Joseph Chakko Kurundamannil, 1978; Memoir of Anthony Norris Groves, 3d ed., 1869 (3 folders); A History of the Plymouth Brethren, 2d ed. / William Blair Neatby, 1902; Early Pentecostal missionaries in India; A Cloud of Witnesses to Pentecost in India; William Ringeltaube, India; The Anglican Church in Travancore and Cochin / W. S. Hunt, 1920; Sri Lanka; What God Hath Wrought / Arthur L. Slocum; The Church of Pentecost / James M. Thoburn, 1899; 'Other Sheep' of the Tamil Fold: The Centenary Story of the Strict Baptist Mission 1861-1960 / John K. Thorpe, 1961; Confessing the Faith in India Series No. 4: Pioneers of Indigenous Christianity / Kaj Baago, 1969; Sepoy Rebellion; India Alliance, July-Dec 1904, Jan-June 1905, July-Dec 1906, Jan-Dec 1907, Jan-Dec 1908, Jan-June 1909 (8 folders).

67/7/1: BOX 5 (52 folders). Mormons & tongues; Holy Ghosters; Eschatology; Baptism in the Holy Spirit; 'Apostolic methods'; Medical missions & healing; Gift of tongues; Medical missions; Faith missions & money; Demons; Demonology & signs + wonders; Histories of missions--miracles?; History of AG mission enterprise, 1914; The Missionary World / W.G. Boyce, J. Mullens, E.B. Underhill, c1873; Miracle testimonies overseas; Apostolic methods/miracles in missions; Alliance Mission in India 1872-1971, vol. 1 / William F. Smalley, 1973; Charles Fox Parham (2 folders); Ball, Luce; In the Service of the King / R. Bard; Thomas B. Barratt; Frank Bartleman; Guest of the Japanese military / Alan Benson; George A. Berg; Paul & Nellie Clark Bettex; William E. Blackstone; Folke Boberg; A.A. Boddy; Reinhard Bonnke CFAN; Booth-Clibborn(s); William Branham; Ruth A. Breusch; Bill Britton; James M. Buckley; W.P. Buncombe; David Bundy; J. Burgess; Fred Burke; William R. Burrows (Orbis); When God Makes a Pastor / W.F.P. Burton; Etta Calhoun; Frances X. Cabrini; Desmond Cartwright; Edith Blumhofer; Ivey G. Campbell; Jean L. Campbell; W.F. Carothers; R. Kelso Carter; Morris Cerullo; Mary Chapman; Called to Zululand / Charles Chawner.

67/7/2: BOX 6 (78 folders). Have You Heard about Mocambique? / C. Austin Chawner; William Christie; Theodore Christlieb; Chuckerbutty; Mabel Collins; Anthony Comstock; Robert E. Cooley; W.A. Cramer (Kramer); Florence Crawford; Joe Creech; Robert Cummings; Robert Needham Cust; Blanche Cunningham; Finis J. Dake; Vivian Dake; Donald W. Dayton; Lillian Denney; Ashton Dibb; A Romance of Faith / Bertha Pinkham Dixon; J.A. Dowie; Rose Pittman Downing; Minnie T. Draper; Susan A. Duncan; J. du Plessis; William H. Durham; S.A. Easton; For the Glory of God / Anne Eberhardt, 1985; C.O. Erickson; D. William Faupel; William Faux, Foreign Missionary Secretary 1923-1926; Gordon Fee; David Fenn; P. Finkenbinder; John & Jean Firth; August Hermann Francke & Halle; Hobart Freeman; Letters from Cora / C. Fritsch; Stanley H. Frodsham; A.G. Garr; Donald Gee; Edward J. Gitre; W. Gladden; Jennie Glassey; W.B. Godbey; James R. Goff, Jr. ; Elena Guerra; H. Grattan Guinness; Kenneth Hagin; Esther B. Harvey; Reginald Heber; Tommy Hicks; James Moore Hickson; Agnes Hill; Thomas Hindle; William Ernest Hocking; Melvin Hodges (2 folders); Willis C. & Mary Hoover; Charles & Frances Hunter; Benjamin H. Irwin; Edward Irving #1; Robert Jaffray; George Jeffreys; 'On the Holy Spirit in the Life of the Church and the World' Encyclical letter / John Paul II; Mary Johnson; E. Stanley Jones; J. Pengwern Jones; A Call to Japan / M. Juergensen; Henrie A. Junod (Henri); Pentecostal Papers / S.A. Keen; Gary Kellner; Twenty Years in Africa / Marian Keller; E.W. Kenyon; Daniel W. Kerr; Gustave Kinderman; Joseph H. King; Kate Knight; Peter Kuzmic; John G. Lake.

67/8/1: BOX 7 (65 folders). G.H. Lang; Pentecostal Mission Work in South China / E. May Law; B.F. Lawrence; Lucy Leatherman; J.O. Lehman; Gordon Lindsay; Alice E. Luce; Wonsuk Ma; Charles H. Mason; R.E. Massey; R.E. McAlister; Grant McClung; C.A. McKinney; C.T. McIntire; Samuel J. Mead; 'I am My Father's Child' / Mary Metaxatos; Lucy Rider Meyer; R. Bryant Mitchell; F.P. Moller, Sr.; Dwight L. Moody; Max Wood Moorhead; Virginia Moss; J.J. Mueller; George & Annie Murray; David Wesley Myland; P.C. Nelson; John L. Nevius; Nettie Nichols; Nicholas Nikoloff; Joseph Nilson; Ingwer Ludwig Nommensen; Albert & Walter Norton; W.F. Offiler; D.C.O. Opperman; Maud Orlebar; T.L. Osborn; H. Osgood; Arthur Osterberg; Agnes Ozman (2 folders); J.I. Packer; The Dawn / D.M. Panton; George Palmer Pardington (early C.M.A. theologian); Myer Pearlman and His Friends; George B. Peck; Paul B. Peterson; Everett Phillips; William H. Piper; Victor G. Plymire; Cecil H. Polhill; Edward K. Pousson; C.H. Pridgeon; Laura Radford; Lord Radstock (Granville Waldegrave); Ramabai and Abrams; Minnie Abrams; Miss C.M. Reade; Cecil M. Robeck, Jr.; Evan Roberts; Oral Roberts; John E. Robinson; Darrin Rodgers; M.L. Ryan; John Salmon; Sadrach + Java.

67/8/2: BOX 8 (60 folders). Frank W. Sanford (3 folders); John Sawin; A.E. Saxby; Harold Schmitt; A Man Who Loved the Will of God / Christian Schoonmaker; Charles A. Schreve; Douglas Scott; William J. Seymour and Azusa Street; Demos Shakarian; Charles W. Shumway; A.B. Simpson; Fanny A. Simpson; William W. Simpson (3 folders); Elizabeth Sisson; Amanda B. Smith (autobiography); Russell P. Spittler; Kenneth E.M. Spooner; Edmund & Pearl Stark; George C. Stebbins; Steele; Mary Stephany; John Stewart; J.G. Stewart; Louie W. Stokes; Otto Stockmayer; Jean Stone and Blessed Trinity Society; Alfred E. Street; Billy Sunday; John Sung; Lillian Trasher; Symeon, the new theologian; Vinson Synan; Takla-Haymanot; Annie Taylor, Tibet; Canon Isaac Taylor, A.M. Knapp, W.S. Caine, M.P.; The Spirit and the Bride / George F. Taylor, 1907; William Taylor; A.J. Tomlinson; Gunnerius O. Tellefsen; R.A. Torrey; Trasher, Lillian Hunt; John (Giovanni) Traettino; Harry L. Turner; Iva Durham Vennard; Clarita Villanueva; Grant Wacker; Hilda Wagenknecht; C. Peter Wagner; Paul H. Walker; T. Walker (of Tinnevelly); R.J. Ward; Kenneth Ware; Frank W. Warne; Wayne Warner; Demons and Tongues / Alma White, 1949; Smith Wigglesworth.

68/5/1: BOX 9 (70 folders). Robert P. Wilder; Morris Williams; R.D. Williams; Everett A. Wilson; John Wimber and signs & wonders; Philip Wittich; Joseph Wolff; Alice Wood; R. Paul Wood; M.B. Woodworth-Etter; A.S. Worrell; J.A. Wright, First-Fruits Harvesters; Etta Wurmser; Frances Xavier; Finis E. Yoakum; T.F. Zimmerman; The Pentecostal Movement / Carl-Erik Sahlberg; Pentecostal/chairsmatic missions--bibliography; PFO lecture (Pre-Field Orientation); History of Christian missions: papers and articles; Histories of missions; Theology and history of missions; Mormons and tongues; Peniel Mission; General Councils: information on missions, 1927-1959; Xenolalia in early Pentecostal missions; Congo Evangelistic Mission; Holiness missions; Dispensationalism and the AG; R.E.E.M.; AG in Ohio; Archives Advisory Board; Emotionalism/fanaticism; From India to the Planet Mars: A study of a Case of Somnambulism / Th. Flournoy, 1900; Miracle in Memphis, Black Pentecostalism; Church of God missions; Racism in Pentecostalism; History of AG--Springfield; Roman Catholic Church charismatic movement; Greene County Historical Society; Society for Pentecostal Studies; James Arminius and the Remonstrants; Roman Catholic lecture; Pentecostalism on the Washboard / Jonathan Elsworth Perkins; Christian suffering; 'The Third Force'; Regent University; Encyclopedia of Protestantism ('Roberts, Emma'); Dictionary of Christianity in Asia; Regent University Ph.D. consortium; AJPS article / Wonsuk Ma; E.F.M.A. (Evangelical Foreign Missions Association); Evangelical Dictionary of World Missions; EMS book, 2001; ORW; Continental Theological Seminary, Brussels, July 2001; Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity; Christianity: A Complete Guide; Signs & Wonders, D.Min. 2004; Profiles / Goff/Wacker; Encyclopedia of Pentecostal/Charismatic Christianity / Burgess; Malone College; Encyclopedia of Protestantism; Nazi persecution of Pentecostals; Martyrdoms and suffering 1960-67; Bridegroom's Messenger; Word and Work; The Missionary Challenge, 1944-5; The New Acts; 'History of the Full Gospel Work in Youngstown, OH' / Fanny van Dyke; Confidence; Apostolic Faith / Parham; Research on People of the Spirit; The Pentecost.

68/5/2: BOX 10 (61 folders). German Pietism during the 18th Century / F. Ernest Stoeffler; Latter Rain and Holy Fire / Max A.X. Clark; Word and Work; Bridegroom's Messenger; Readings in Pentecostal History / Mel Robeck; China; Europe; Denmark; Ghana; Great Britain; Indonesia; Italy; Kenya; Japan; Burma; Full Gospel Evangelistic Association; IAMS (International Association for Mission Studies); Maryknoll missions; R.E.E.M. (2 folders); WPAGF (World Pentecostal Assemblies of God Fellowship); Pentecostal Evangel history; AG--Contending for the Faith; PAOC missions; Latin America; Catholic missiology; The Church and the Collapse of Roman Civilization; The American Frontier and the Protestant Missioanry Response; Spanish expansion, 16th-18th centuries, Pacific; Nestorial missions; The Failure of Christianity under Muslim Rule; Protestant missions, 1864-1914; Catholic missions; Church of the East--Missions: triumphs and failures; Missions in the 13th century; Protestant missions in Latin America; Orthodox missions; Oneness Pentecostal missions; Apostolic Church missions; Lausanne; Prophets movement; OBSC missions; The Missionary Conference; Confidence; Historical Survey of Missions / G.H. Anderson; WCRP (World Conference on Religion and Peace); P.M. Union, Canada; P.M. Union, USA; The Missionary Training Institute, Nyack; Apostolic Faith Missions--Ironside; Emotionalism in holiness circles; COGIC missions; World-Wide Missions / H.F. Raynolds (Nazarene); Initial evidence, May 1999; Articles--Agora; Missionary Pioneering in Cogo Forests / W.F.P. Burton; National and International Pentecostal Missionary Union; P.M.S.C.A.; History and Polity of the AG, spring 2003; God in Three Persons / Carl Brumback; C.M.A. (Christian and Missionary Alliance).

68/7/1: BOX 11 (31 folders). Roman Catholicism and orthodoxy in European missions; Early General Councils--Information on missions: 1914-19; General Councils--Information on missions, 1920-25; Outsiders view of AG missions; History of AG Missions: the maturing years: 1927-41; History of AG missions: formation of General Council; History of AG missions: period of strategic planning, 1943-59; The Other Spanish Christ / J.A. MacKay, 1933; Readings in Pentecostal missions; Africa; Angola; Argentina; Brazil; Madagascar; Mongolia--Swedish missions; Nepal; Nigeria; Southeast Asia; Switzerland; Liberia; South Africa; Sweden; Norway; Trinidad--OBS missions; Doctor of Missiology: History of Christianity in Missiological Perspective; Initial evidence; Doctor of Ministry--future of Pentecostalism; History and polity of the AG: list of male evangelists 1914-1949; History of missions; Cartmel: 'Mission Policy and Program of A.B. Simpson'; Charismatic renewal theologies.

68/7/1: Proof copy of the book, People of the Spirit (separately cataloged; not part of the original McGee collection).


McGee, Gary B.--Papers.
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