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Pridgeon, C. H. (Charles Hamilton), 1863-1932 ; Pridgeon, Louise Shepard, d. 1928.
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Helpful biographies [tracts]


Pittsburgh, PA : Pittsburgh Bible Institute [192?]


33 leaflets ; 25 cm.


Holdings: No. 1 William Penn--his great spiritual crisis / C.H.P., 2 p. -- No. 2 Billy Bray, the Cornish miner / C.H.P., 2 p. -- No. 3 David Brainerd, an apostle to the American Indians / C.H.P., 2 p. -- No. 4 Henry Martyn, a hero of the cross in India and Persia / C.H.P., 2 p. -- No. 5 Jonathan Edwards, a prince with God and man / C.H.P., 2 p. -- No. 6 John Woolman, the obscure man of power / C.H.P., 2 p. -- No. 7 Adoniram Judson, An apostle to Burmah / C.H.P., 4 p. (fold.). -- No. 8 General Charles George Gordon: some inspiring characteristics / C.H.P., 2 p. -- No. 9 John Evangelist Gossner, the father of faith missions / L.S.P., 2 p. -- No. 10 George Whitefield, a prince of preachers / C.H.P., 4 p. (fold.). --

No. 11 Emmanuel Wichern, the father of faith reformatories / L.S.P., 2 p. -- No. 12 The story of Bishop Hannington / L.S.P., 4 p. (fold.). -- No. 13 Frances Ridley Havergal--consecrated life and service / C.H.P., 2 p. -- No. 14 Richard Knill, or an introduction to a spirit-filled life / C.H.P., 4 p. (fold.). -- No. 15 August Hermann Francke, the father of faith orphanages / L.S.P., 2 p. -- No. 16 Frederick William Baedeker, evangelist to the dark places in the Russian empire / C.H.P., 4 p. (fold.). -- No. 17 Allen Francis Gardiner--the persistence of faith / L.S.P., 4 p. (fold.). -- No. 18 Stephen Grellet--guidance and love by faith / L.S.P., 2 p. -- No. 19John Wesley, the founder of Methodism / L.S.P., 4 p. (fold.). -- No. 20 George Fox, the founder of the Quakers / L.S.P., 2 p. --

No. 21 Adolph Saphir, another first-fruit of God's grace among the Hebrews / C.H.P., 4 p. (fold.). -- No. 22 (Henry moorhouse, the English Bible reader / C.H.P., 2 p. -- No. 23 Charles G. Finney, the pleader for souls / C.H.P., 2 p. -- No. 24 John Welsh, a mighty man of prayer / C.H.P., 2 p. -- No. 25 Uncle John Vassar, a great soul winner / C.H.P., 2 p. -- No. 26 Louis Harms, the father of colonizing missions / L.S.P., 4 p. (fold.). -- No. 27 Madam Guyon--the way of the cross / C.H.P., 4 p. (fold.). -- No. 28 Gerhard Tersteegen, the sweet singer--a message to the melancholy / C.H.P., 4 p. (fold.). -- No. 29 Robert Raikes, printer, publisher and pioneer in Sunday school work / C.H.P., 4 p. (fold.). --

No. 31 William Carey / L.S.P., 2 p. -- No. 32 Griffith John, a soul-winner and a seer / C.H.P., 4 p. (fold.). -- No. 33 Pastor Blumhardt and his ministry of healing / C.H.P., 2 p.


Christian biography.
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