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Personal Papers--Grip, Lars
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Papers relating to Nils and Tilda Svensson and their descendants [Swedish]


1 folder ; 30 cm.


Materials relating to the efforts, beginning in 1998, by Lars Grip, Ronny Svenhard, Evan F. Jönsson, and others, to rebuild family ties between family members living in Sweden and the United States.

Nils and Tilda Svensson, early Swedish Pentecostals who helped pioneer a church in Vinnö, had 15 children, who were mostly ministers, farmers, and bakers. Some of the children changed their name to Svenhard, as Svensson was in their estimation too common. Notable Pentecostals included Joseph Svenhard, David Svenhard, and Anna Jönsson. The latter three children immigrated to the United States after World War II and became active in Independent Assemblies of God (Fellowship of Christian Assemblies) churches. Svenhard's Swedish Bakery, founded by David Svenhard, became a prominent business in Oakland, California.

Holdings: Various booklets, newspaper clippings, photographs, and correspondence.


Grip, Lars.
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Svensson family.
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Svenhard family.
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Scandinavian-American Pentecostals.
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