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Personal Papers--Greisen, Victor G.
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Correspondence between V.G. Greisen and Harold Horton: 1951-1963.


[204] p. ; 28 cm.


Victor Greisen, A/G ordained, served as superintendent of the Kansas District from 1938-1955. In 1956, he returned to his native Denmark to teach in the Bible school at Mariager. In addition to his teaching, he ministered throughout Europe. He also served as DFM Field Secretary for Europe and Middle East from 1960-1963. He served as an active member of the General Presbytery for 23 years and was made an honorary member in 1963. He passed away on June 29, 1980.

This correspondence contains chiefly letters from Horton to Greisen. It provides insight into Horton's opinions on such topics as New Order of the Latter Rain, A/G leaders (pro and con), Healing movement, baptism in the Holy Spirit, etc. Apparently, Horton went through a season of depression during which Greisen's letters brought comfort and encouragement. Many of Horton's later letters contain insights from Scripture that he shared with his friend, Greisen.


Greisen, Victor G.--Correspondence.
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Horton, Harold (Harold Lawrence Cuthbert), 1880-1969--Correspondence, reminiscences, etc.
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