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Personal Papers--Pickard, Patricia
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Prevailing Westerlies : research files


1 folder ; 28 cm.


This is a collection of interviews and other information gathered by Patricia Pickard in preparation for the book entitled Prevailing Westerlies (the Pentecostal heritage of Maine) by James E. Peters, researched by Patricia Pickard (c1988).

Contents: News clip: 12 Nov 1988 New book chronicles history of Pentecostalism in Maine; Glad Tidings church to mark 65th anniversary. -- Pictures taken 20 Nov 1988 for the 65th anniversary celebration of Glad Tidings Church. -- News letter (Mars Hill, ME), n.d.: The Lord blessed wonderfully in Rockland convention; Two wonderful visions of the end of time / Effie Cram of Washburn, Me. -- Aroostook Pentecostal Campground (Whited Lake, ME) / Donald Bickford. -- Smyrna Mills, Maine church / Oresta Batten. -- Interviews Pat Pickard conducted: As I remember it / Donald Bickford (30 Jan 1988). -- Clarence Carr (16 May 1988). -- Blanche Grant (27 Feb 1988). -- Ernest and Linda Hayman (26 April 1988). -- Dorothy (Speed) Henderson (5 May 1988). -- As I remember it / George E. Kennedy (8 Jan 1988; 3 June 1988). -- Arden N. and Myrtle Kinne (7 May 1988). -- Max Leavitt (30 Apr 1988). -- Hazel McKusick (11 May 1988). -- Bessie Manley (31 May 1988). -- Cassie Ogilvie (17 May 1988). -- Olive Prescott (31 May 1988). -- Gordon and Lottie Tracy (1 June 1988). -- William (Billy) Washington (5 May 1988).


Pickard, Patricia--Collection.
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