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Frisby, Neal V.
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Sermon booklets : Shadows of the end series.


Phoenix, AZ : Neal Frisby, 1973-1985


v. : ill. ; 22 cm.


Sermon booklets contain transcriptions of taped messages preached by Neal Frisby. Each booklet contains 30-35 p.

Holdings: #1 Prophet in eclipse (1973). -- #2 First and last church age (1973). -- #3 The destroyer, Apollyon, the rider from Abaddon (1973). -- #4 The sting of the trumpets, part 1 (1973). -- #5 The sting of the trumpets, part 2 (1973). -- #6 The 7th trumpet--the 3rd woe!, part 3 (1974). -- #7 The 7th trumpet--the 3rd woe!, part 4 (1974). -- #8 Atomic holocaust! (1974). -- #9 The temples, the Lord of Host and His capstone! (1974). -- #10 The whole truth concerning water baptism and the Godhead! (1974). -- #11 The review book (1974). -- #12 The real thing--fiery furnace faith!, part 1 (1974). -- #13 The tree, the beast and the holy watchers!, part 2 (1974). -- #14 From the good gold in Eden to the bad gold in Babylon!, part 3 (1974). -- #15 The great prophetic image! (Daniel series, part 1) (1974). -- #16 The four wild beasts (and the horn with eyes!) (Daniel series, part 2) (1974). -- $17 The ram and the he goat (and the little horn kingdom) (Daniel series, part 3) (1974). -- #18 The beast prince, his strange god! (and the rich harlot) (Daniel series, part 4) (1975). -- #19 The dual Babylons! (1975). -- #20 (This generation, part 1 (1975). -- #21 Daniel's 70th week--the time cycles!, part 5 (1975). -- #22 This generation, part 2 (1975). -- #23 Predictions!--Joel's forecast (1975). -- #24 (The sign--the handwriting on the wall! (Daniel series, part 6) (1975). -- #25 (Michael the great prince stands up! (Daniel series, part 7) (1975). -- #26 Fire on Carmel! (1975). -- #27 The image, 666 and the electronic brain! (1976). -- #28 Faith for crises--the future (1976). -- #29 The future--predictions, prophetic events and opinions! (1976). --

#30 The four raging horses-- the apocalypse of horror! (1976). -- #31 The tare and the real wheat--the separating hour! (1976). -- #32 Capstone angel! (water baptism - resurrection, part 1) (1976. -- #33 Prophecy part 1 : coming world events! (1976). -- #34 (Prehistoric and the Genesis truth, part 1 (1976). -- #35 In God's image the true seed! (Genesis part 2) (1976). -- #35 Prophecy, part 2 (1976). -- #37 The ruby of God's wisdom! (1977). -- #38 The nature of the two seeds (Genesis part 3) (1977). -- #39 (The gathering storm, part 1 (1977). -- #40 Nimrod--fallen gods--tower of Babel (Genesis, part 5) (1977). -- #41 The gathering storm!, part 2 (1977). -- #42 Faith! (1977). -- #43 This generation, part 3 (1977). -- #44 The cure for doubt, fear and anxiety! (1977). -- #45 Preparation! (1977). -- #46 Idols! (1977). -- #48 The coming of the Lord (1978). -- #49 The last generation (1978). -- #50 Salvation, joy and protection (1978). -- #51 The man of sin--master deception! (1978). --

#67 Merry, joy and victory! (1978). -- #68 Resting in Paradise! (1978). -- #69 The crossing signs! (1979). -- #70 The tree of spiritual fruit!, part1 & 2 (1979). -- #71 Joy (Fruit of the Spirit) (1979). -- #72 World-wide events, part 1 & 2 (1979). -- #73 World history--twelve time measures! (1979). -- #74 The 40-year generation--time measures! (1979). -- #75 The calling of time! (Pyramid message) (1979). -- #76 (The numbering of Babylon! (1980). -- #77 Fruit of peace and longsuffering! (1980). -- #78 Prophetic events loom! (1980). -- #79 The anointed treasure! (1980). -- #80 Prophetic--no hour to backslide! (1980). -- #81 Prophetic--birth pains and signs! (1980). -- #82 Perfection in prayer! (1981). -- #83 Proper and sure faith! (1981). -- #84 Confidence--3 ways (1981). -- #85 The creative and prophetic universe (1982). -- #86 The bottomless pit--dimensions! (1982). -- #87 Elijah!, part 1 (1983). -- #88 Unity and the future! (1985).


Frisby, Neal--Sermons.
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Capstone Cathedral (Phoenix, AZ).
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