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48/4/1; 48/4/2; 48/5/1; 46/5/5


Personal Papers--Pickard, Patricia
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Clip file: Patricia Pickard's vertical files.


ca. 3 cubic feet (3 large archival containers).


Patricia Pickard, originally from Bangor, Maine, grew up in the Pentecostal movement and has spent much of her adult life collecting and organizing Holiness/Pentecostal materials. This file collection contains a series of clippings on various individuals and topics which Patricia collected and labeled as her vertical files. The items have been retained and organized by the topics she assigned, except for a few items which were removed and cataloged separately or else removed and added to existing FPHC files.

CONTENTS: 48/4/1 Files A-Hi: Aglow. -- Adventists. -- Africa. -- Africa--Kenya. -- Africa--Nigeria. -- Allen, Ethan O. -- Angley, Ernest W. -- Apostolic Book Publishers. -- Apostolic Faith Church. -- Apostolic Faith Mission. -- Appalachia. -- Azusa Street. -- Barnett, Tommy. -- Barratt, Thomas B. -- Bethaba. -- Boardman family. -- Booth-Clibborn, William. -- Boy/girl preachers. -- Brainerd, David. -- Bray, Billy. -- Brooklyn Tabernacle. -- Buffum. -- Camp meetings. -- Camp meetings--Camp Hebron (Attleboro, MA). -- Camp meetings--Cane Ridge. -- Camp meetings--Correspondence [Jim Robertson]. -- Camp meetings--Martha's Vineyard. -- Camp meetings--Portsmouth (RI) Camp. -- Campbellites. -- Charismatics. -- Charts. -- Christian endeavor. -- Churches. -- Churches--Pentecostal. -- The Clarion Call. -- Clark, Freddy. --

Conscientious objectors. -- Cowman, Charles E. -- Crawford, Mattie. -- Crenshaw Christian Center [Fred Price]. -- Cruz, Nicky. -- Dark day. -- DePastino, Valerie. -- Donald Gee Centre. -- Donation party. -- Dowie, John Alexander -- Du Plessis, David. -- Durham, William. -- Earle, A. B. -- Edwards, Gene. -- Edwards, Jonathan. -- Elim. -- Elim faith homes. -- European Pentecostalism. -- Evans, Christmas. -- Faith homes. -- Fenelon. -- Fisher, Jonathan. -- Fletcher, John. -- Follette, John Wright. -- Forward movement. -- Fulton Street Revival, 1857. -- Glory. -- Godwin, Rick. -- Gold flakes and other unusual phenomenon. -- Gortner, Marjoe. -- Gospel wagons. -- Grandstaff, Billy Joe. -- Guyon, Madame. -- Hall, Franklin. -- Hayford, Jack. -- Hinn, Benny.

48/4/2 Files Ho-Russellism: Hoskins, Bob. -- Howard-Browne, Rodney. -- Humbard, Rex. -- Kingdom Message. -- Lam, Nora. -- Latter Rain. -- Lea, Larry. -- Liardon, Roberts. -- Lindsay, Gordon. -- Livingstone, David. -- Marital purity doctrine. -- Matheson, Duncan. -- Millerites. -- Ministries--miscellaneous. -- Mix, Elizabeth. -- Minor, David. -- Miracles. -- Miscellaneous--no topic. -- Montgomery, Carrie Judd. -- Moody Bible Institute. -- Morris, Sammy. -- Mudge, James. -- Mueller, George. -- Myland, D. Wesley. --

Nazarenes. -- New Age. -- New England. -- Old-time religion. -- Organs. -- Ozark Bible Institute. -- PTL Club. -- Pacific Northwest. -- Parham, Charles F. -- Parsley, Rod. -- Pentecost. -- Pentecost--criticism. -- Pentecostal experience. -- Pentecostal Fellowship of North America. -- Pentecostal Holiness. -- Pentecostal Holiness Association. -- Pentecostal organizations. -- Pethrus, Lewi. -- Pilgrims. -- Pillar of Fire. -- Preachers--Pentecostal. -- Price, Charles. -- Promise Keepers. -- Providence Missions. [Cross ref.: Naomi Jennings Craig; Rescue missions]. -- Publications--miscellaneous. -- Rader, Paul D. -- Reid, Tommy. -- Religious reformers. -- Rescue missions. -- Robertson, Pat. -- Robertson, Pat--CBN. -- Robertson, Pat--Christian Coalition. -- Robertson, Pat--Operation Blessing. -- Robison, James. -- Rochester, New York. -- Russellism.

48/5/1 Files Seventh-Yoakum: Seventh Day Adventists. -- Seymour, William J. -- Shakarian, Demos. -- Shambach, R. W. 'Bob.' -- Shreve, Charles. -- Shuttlesworth, Ted. -- Shuttlesworth, Tiff. -- Shuttlesworth, Tim. -- Simmons, V. P. -- Sisson, Elizabeth. -- Smith, Oswald J. -- Snake handling. -- Spurgeon, Charles H. -- St. Bartholomew's Day. -- Stone church. -- Stone, Perry. -- Stories, true. -- Sumrall, Lester. -- Swan, R. B. -- Sweetwater Church of the Valley. -- Synan, Vinson. --

Talmadge, T. DeWitt. -- Tea meetings. -- Televangelism. -- Tenney, Tommy. -- Tents. -- Tilton, Robert. -- Titterington. E. J. G. -- Topeka, Kansas. -- Tongues. -- Trotter, Mel. -- Ufford, E. S. -- United Pentecostal Council of Assemblies of God. -- Uzzel, Marie. -- WACX TV. -- Wall Builders. -- Wesley, John. -- Wesleyans. -- Wigglesworth, Smith. -- Wilkerson, David. -- Woodworth-Etter, Maria. -- YWAM (Youth With a Mission). -- Yoakum, Finis E.

46/5/5 Files: Assemblies of God. -- Assemblies of God (Maine). -- Church of God. -- Church of God (Maine). -- Full Gospel Business Men. -- Jesus Ministries, Inc. -- Jonestown. -- Music groups. -- Musical saw. -- Shiloh and Frank Sandford. -- Trasher, Lillian. -- Ward, C. M. -- Women. -- Pentecostalism (Florida).


Pickard, Patricia--Collection.
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