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Soundscriber discs








Hall, John F.
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Soundscriber discs.


French West Africa : John F. Hall, 1951.


9 discs ; 17 cm.


These discs have also been placed on cassette tapes.

Contents: Disc no. 1 Side A: Are the dead raised now?; Healed twice of the same thing; Side B: Heartache and sorrow; How many have the Bible?. -- Disc no. 2 Side A: He reached us in time; Without and with the baptism in the Spirit; Side B: Persecution's fruits. -- Disc no. 3 Side A: The picketing peg; Reaching the Africans with gospel records; Side B: Demon power; Laughing at the crucifixion. -- Disc no. 4 Side A: Mossi reaction the the Book of Revelation; Side B: Cows in the corn; Tihili chief's son raised from the dead. -- Disc no. 5 Side A: Spitting snakes; Gospel songs; Side B: Dry-season Bible school. -- Disc no. 6 Side A: First fruits; A naked chicken; An outpouring of the Spirit; Side B: Be ye clean that bear the vessels of the Lord. -- Disc no. 7 Side A: Mossi woman-hood; The heart-ache of missionaries; Side B: A Mossi farewell; Mossi medicaments; Meningitis epidemic. -- Disc no. 8 Side A: Tonic for backsliders; The most touchy subject among missionaires; Side B: De-nationalizing missionaries. -- Disc no. 9 Side A: A war-surplus jeep for Speed-the-Light; Amateur dental work; Side B: Sunday school a la Mossi; Joy & profit in tithing.


Hall, John F.--Personal narratives.
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Assemblies of God--Missionaries--Personal narratives.
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Missions--French West Africa--Personal narratives.
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Delivery Options:
Archive ID Delivery Description Price    
148982 Audio on CD $10.00 Add to cart.
148982 Audio on Cassette $5.00 Add to cart.
148982 View Original at FPHC * See note below Add to cart.

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