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CD--Single Artists




Montero, Danilo ; Murrell, Jaime
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No mas barreras. No more barriers. [sound recording] [Spanish] $c / Danilo Montero and Jaime Murrell.


Nashville, TN : Word Music, 1998.


1 compact disc ; 4 3/4 in.


Born in Costa Rica, Danilo Montero became a leading Hispanic Christian singer and worship leader. He is currently pastor of the Hispanic congregation at Lakewood Church (Houston, TX; pastor, Joel Osteen).

Born in Panama, Jaime Murrell became a leading Hispanic Christian singer following his conversion to Christ. For several years, he served on staff at a Hispanic Pentecostal church in Miami, Florida.

This was considered the 'official music' for events called 'Marcha para Jesús' (March for Jesus) in multiple cities.

Most of the songs were written by Graham Kendrick. He was one of the leading songwriters in the British Pentecostal/Charismatic movement in the late 20th century. He was also a strong proponent of prayer-walking and the March for Jesus events.

Part 1: Alabanza pública (Public worshp) : Siete razoner para celebrar (Seven reasons to celebrate) -- De donde sale el sol (Where the sun comes from) -- Dendro de me (Within me) -- Tomandonos las manos (Holding hands) -- Que bueno es Dios (How good is God?) -- Credo (Creed) -- Recibe al Rey (Receive the King) -- Al mundo paz (Peace to the world) -- Paz a mi cuidad (Peace to my city) -- Que todos te alaben (May everyone praise You) -- Proclamad (Proclaim)

Part 2: Canticos de oracion (Prayer songs) : Mira al Salvador (Look at the Savior) -- Oh ven, volvamos a Dios (Oh come, let us return to God) -- Cambianos (Change us) -- Oracion de reconciliacion (Prayer of reconciliation) -- Salva al pueblo (Save the town) -- Escucha hoy nuestra clamor (Hear our cry today)


Montero, Danilo--Sound recordings.
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Murrell, Jaime--Sound recordings.
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Kendrick, Graham--Music--Sound recordings.
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Gospel music--Pentecostal artists--Sound recordings.
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