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Kenyon, E. W. (Essek William).
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Kenyon's living Bible studies : advanced course $c / [E.W. Kenyon]


[S.L. : s.n., n.d.]


40 lessons (8 p. each) ; 22 cm.


Mimeographed loose-leaf pages.

CONTENTS: 1: The integrity of the Word. -- 2: The prevailing Word. -- 3: Acting on the Word. -- 4: What the church has failed to see. -- 5: The Word living in us. -- 6: The reality of redemption. -- 7: Our solid front. -- 8: The law of prosperity. -- 9: The sense ruled mind. -- 10: Jesus' threefold victory over Satan. -- 11: The prayer of faith. -- 12: The law of life versus the law of death. -- 13: Unused abilities. -- 14: Why we don't pray for faith. -- 15: The revelation according to Paul. -- 16: God's revelation of Jesus according to Paul. -- 17: Holding fast to our confession. -- 18: The superman. -- 19: The confessions of Jesus. -- 20: Satan, the defeated. --

21: Jesus does not need to suffer again. -- 22: Abundance of love. -- 23: Established. -- 24: The hidden man of the heart. -- 25: Studies in the book of Acts. -- 26: The name of Jesus in the book of Acts. -- 27: The Word in the book of Acts. -- 28: The Holy Spirit in the book of Acts. -- 29: The Holy Spirit in the book of Acts [part 2]. -- 30: How long can others carry you? -- 31: The father fact. -- 32: Paul's natural man. -- 33: Fellowship and relationship. -- 34: Jesus the healer. -- 35: Faith's real rest. -- 36: Knowing the Master. -- 37: The reality of the recreated human spirit. -- 38: Exercising ourselves in the word. -- 39: Christ's present ministry for the church. -- 40: We are more than conquerors.


Bible--Study--Programmed instruction.
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Bible. N.T.--Study--Programmed instruction.
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Correspondence schools and courses.
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